Dubbed the “bIT Smart” initiative. There is a dire need in this country to introduce improved methods of studying which provides more conducive ways of information retention and application of what has been learnt.
Our aim is to educate the nation in the use of computers using our own brand of advanced interactive E-Learning products called “Learnquick”. The product educates the user from Introduction to computers up to Microsoft office, internet and E-mail. It is further aligned to our MICT SETA accredited course of End User Computing.
The state of education in South Africa is very dismal and this can be improved using information technology as a driving force. The idea is that before you can get people to use various software products to achieve this, the user first has to be computer literate. By using the Learnquick interactive E-Learning products, the user is exposed to a very exciting method of studying which includes demonstrations, try it yourself, notes, animation as well as quizzes which can score the candidate immediately on their understanding of the content learned.
We decided to give this software free as everybody should have access to education and embracing technology is the means to making people more employable. The product is absolutely free to use and distribute. We are going a step further by appointing distributors countrywide and help by driving traffic to their businesses. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a distributor.
Although the concept of E-Learning is not new but one should be careful of the correct definition. Downloading textbooks in a digital format of a learner management system does not mean this is E-Learning. Textbooks are boring. Interaction is the future of studying so let’s get started.
The software is approximately 700mb in size. To control our downloads and prevent spam, we will give you a dropbox link to get this software once you send us a mail by clicking the image below and selecting the “I am interested in the E-Learning bIT Smart software initiative” on the contact form.
View our press release here